Monday, October 19, 2009

Day #29/175 Days

Our first day using work boxes & it seems to be going well. Here's how today went...

  • Read Aloud for about 30 minutes (Farmer Boy & Sarah's Wish)
  • Young Scholar's Guide to the Composers - Handel
  • Work boxes
Lego-Man's boxes:
  1. Handwriting
  2. Sign language file folder (matching ABC signs to letters)
  3. Writing Journal
  4. Play Simon Says for 10 minutes (he led Miss H & Happy in a game - they all loved it)
  5. Private Devotions (The boys are reading through some Illustrated Children's Bible books I have - they are like comic books with illustrations but use real Bible text. Lego-Man is reading Genesis.)
  6. Candy Factory file folder game (counting change)
  7. Computer Pages (from
  8. Math-U-See (tests 1 & 2)
  9. Nature journal (draw a fall leaf)
  10. Quarter Mile Math drill (16 minutes)
  11. Awana verses (15 minutes)
  12. Assigned Reading (The Hobbit) for 30 minutes
  13. Create a Fire Escape plan
He spent the afternoon continuing on his research project. He wants a small pet. I have told him to do all the research on what kind, what they need to live and eat, and how much it will cost. Then he can present his case to his dad & I. He's spending hours working on it.

Conductor's Boxes:
  1. Handwriting
  2. Watch sign language video (ABC's)
  3. Writing journal
  4. Ride bike outside for 10 minutes
  5. Buried Treasure file folder game
  6. AWANA verses (15 minutes)
  7. Private devotions (15 minutes)
  8. Nature journal - draw a fall leaf
  9. Quarter Mile Math drill (15 minutes)
  10. Math-U-See - tests 1 & 2
  11. Create a Fire Escape Plan
  12. Assigned Reading (30 minutes) The Stolen Train

Miss H did this:
  • colored some stickers
  • played in the rice box for the first time - loved it
  • played Simon Says with Lego-Man & Happy (one of Lego-Man's things to do for his work box)
  • Watched a VeggieTale video
Happy was allowed to do mostly free play today. I'll be working on his work boxes tonight & we'll add them to the mix tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Please please please tell me that he really wants some bunnies! I "rescued" two from certain death recently, bought them a Cadillac of a hutch, then realized that keeping children alive puts me at the outer limits of my nurturing abilities.

One of the bunnies is an angora and the fiber could be used for all kinds of wonderful homeschooley things!!! Both bunnies are super sweet and are pretty low maintenance as far as small pets go. Just sayin' :P