- Practice piano
- AWANA verse
- Played online at various learning game sites include Star Fall
- Watch "Basic Multiplication" on Khan Academy and do all exercises
- Correct pages 23 & 24 and complete pages 27-30 in Math Mammath
- Complete cursive handwriting sheet for "m" words - write twice and say out loud to me
- Complete pages 5-7 in Spell & Write workbook
- Complete Easy Writing pages 65 & 66
- Practice piano
- Work on 8notes website
- Complete Easy Grammar page 21
- Read Proverbs 30
- Read Crisipin: The Cross of Lead for 20 minutes
- It was a frustrating day for me with Conductor. I found out he was not completing his work and yet lying to me about having done so. We'll be addressing this character issue over the next few weeks. He may find himself doing extra work as a result and doing his work with me at the table. Not much fun for either of us really. As a result he will also need to redo work from today.
- Watch "Adding Decimals (Old)" on Khan Academy and do all exercises
- Complete pgs. 15-17 "Ordinal Numbers and Roman Numerals" from Math Mammoth (he did not understand this concept and will need to redo the pages)
- Handwriting - write each word once on the "l" cursive words sheet (if the boys do not write their names on their worksheets from now on - they will need to redo them - this is the case with this page)
- Complete handwriting cursive words - "m" words - write twice and say out loud to me
- Complete Easy Writing pages 65 & 66 (this page is too messy to read - he will redo it)
- Read intro and chapter 1 in Grammarland and complete worksheet (nouns)
- Complete Preposition page 21 from Easy Grammar (will redo - did not do correctly)
- Finish "Solar System Detective" pages
- Finish 4H Record sheets
- Read Robin Hood for 20 minutes
- Complete Spell and Write workbook - pages 3 & 4
- Work on AWANA verses
- Read Proverbs 30
- Practice piano
- Work on 8notes website
- Complete 20A & 20B in Wordly Wise
Day #28/175 Days