Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 1, 2011 - Science Co-Op

Today was the first "classroom" day of our Science Co-Op. The high school students were in the gym. They tackled Experiment 1.2 from Module #1 (Intro to the Microscope) and 2.2 from Module #2 (Pond Life B). While I wasn't able to be upstairs to see what they completed, I know that Lego-Man seemed to have a good time and seems to be doing well with the material. We're moving on to Module #3 this coming week.

I had the younger siblings downstairs for our first Considering God's Creation class. It went very well. We had originally thought to only include those age 7 and up but changed it to have ages 5 and up. This meant a bit more hands-on help from the moms but we decided to continue with this. I had 2-3 moms helping which was nice, but I may ask for more. CGC does a lot of cutting and pasting of pages and little hands sometimes need help with that.

We covered the first 1-1/2 lessons in CGC which went over Creation and Stars. The children created the notebooking pages. We held a Bible Drill a well. I read Yellow & Pink by William Steig (excellent book) which led to a discussion about a Creator vs. evolution. The children also watched a short segment from a Moody Science video about creation.

Day #9/175 days

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