Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day #143/175 Days (Co-Op)

Today was our last co-op day. I have no photos but we had FUN.

We started off by having all the kids write thank-you notes to the last three speakers we’ve had. This included Mrs. Thompson who came to share about Australia (no photos from class). Mr. Rich & Smokey as well as Firefighter Rick. The older kids wrote one to Miss Sarah who taught the ecology course.

Then the older kids went in to their room and played a rousing game of Apples to Apples. Once the younger kids were done with their notes we went & played a game of Cadoo. It was interesting since couldn’t read so we read the cards to them and helped as needed.

We ended the day with a snack and some time on the play ground.

It’s nice to see the time ending for the summer. We’ll see how it ends up working next year. We’re talking about meeting less and I think that might actually work better.

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