- Watch "Division 2" at Khan Academy & do all exercises
- Go to Fun Brain and do 10 problems
- Complete pgs. 50-51 math pages
- Write each "u" word twice and read out loud to me
- Retype your story from yesterday's spelling book
- Complete writing page 87
- Practice the piano
- Go to www.8notes.com and work for 20 minutes
- Read Crispin: The Cross of Lead for 20 minutes
- Read pages 309-328 and answer all "on your own" questions
- Read Proverbs 31 and share one verse with me
- Type up your "Key Passage" for your approach paper for The White Heron. Email it to me.
- Watch "Why Lattice Multiplication" at Khan Acadmy & do all exercises
- Complete pg. 38 "Order of Operations" page - see me for help
- Go to Fun Brain and do 10 problems
- Write each "u" word twice and read out loud to me
- Complete writing page 87
- Complete Spelling pages 25-27
- Practice the piano
- Read Shiloh for 20 minutes
- Work on AWANA verses
- Read Proverbs 31
- Practice the piano
- Work on AWANA verse
- Read Livingstone Mouse by Pamela Duncan Edwards & Henry Cole
Day #48/175 Days